In 2013 I hired Sulivant and Sulivant Investigations to help me work on an issue involving a physical attack on myself as a inspector, by a person working for a contractor on a pipeline. Sulivant and Sulivant performed a lot of work, and travel on my behalf and did so without knowing the full extent of all the issues. Nether did I; however, timing was an issue, and i was attacked several times physically prior to 2013 and did not know exactly who was behind it less a Judges evaluation in an original order in 2016, and other suspicions based on clues and comments by other people in the know prior to 2013. Sulivant Discovered a persons name that was associated with the attack through investigative work and found that the person working for the Contractor was going by an alias name in the field verses his real name. In an attempt to discover the reason for the attack it took a shotgun approach in many directions and based on events back to 1993 and 94 that included a Texas Oil company that I incorporated and people that used to work for me who were associated with a major ranch in Vernon Texas. The investigation became more dangerous as time went on. There were previous physical attacks that appeared to be associated to the 2013 attack and some evidence suggest the same. Sulivant Investigations continued. As of today in 2017 the case is still ongoing. Mr. Sulivant went extremely out of his way to help support my cause in this Action. I felt secure with Mike and His associate and during the investigation for tracking devices on my vehicle and in escort to a bank downtown Tulsa. I consider Sulivant and Sulivant Investigations to be a top rated company, and a friend, and will continue to use their services as needed thought out the continued battle in this federal case and investigation. Investigating is tough work, and to get to the bottom of an issue can be a lot tougher and time consuming. Thanks Mr. Sulivant and God Bless.