Cant' seem to get more than an "Initial Report" taken from the police? Do you feel more could be done to find out where the theft or fraud is originating from and who is responsible?

Are you in need of surveillance of a person or business? Sometimes, it just takes more to find the truth. Surveillance conducted by vehicles, boat, camper, motorcycle, ATV or plane.

All aspects of this area from follow-up to re-interviewing subjects are provided.

Divorce, pending divorce, or family issues are dealt with.

Locate missing people for a court appearance, heirs to wills, lost loved ones, or subpoenas.
My services provide gathering written or recorded statements. Recorded statements are done with digital voice recorders, which are then transferred to a CD format for easier reproduction and listening ease, with the least amount of playback distortion. Photos are taken with digital capabilities. Digitals are developed without delay in my own processing center. Photos can be developed on photo paper or transferred to Compact Disc format.

Threats, bribes, extortion, blackmail? Telephonic violations can be recorded within the legalities of the law.

Do you want to know what your teenager is doing with your vehicle? Do you have suspicions on your spouse's whereabouts? Are you a business owner who wants to know where your company vehicle is spending it's time? I can track any vehicle by GPS - Global Positioning System - tracking. You can see vehicle movement, speed, route taken, duration, and location of all stops including time and dates, confirmed by Satellites. Accomplished within the law.

Does it seem like the competition always has you beat to the punch? Does it seem like people know what you are doing or what was said, when they weren't even around you during that time? Any room can be checked to see if there is a hidden wireless phone, cell phone, or body bugs (audio recording devices) and video transmitters (hidden wireless cameras). 50Mhz to 3Ghz can be detected.

Technology behond belief! Cameras and Microphones can be hidden anywhere. Want to watch the nanny or babysitter? Do you need to know what is really going on when you are not around? This is the answer. Video recordings are done on either a DVD format or VHS, depending upon the type of case or length of the recording. All recordings are done within the standards of the law.